Luis Bayanilla
Wednesday, June 26, 2002Mr. FRANK. Mr. Speaker, on July 26, theSoutheastern Massachusetts Hispanic Rec-ognition Awards Committee, Incorporated willhold their third annual award ceremony. I amdelighted to extend my congratulations tocommittee chairman Emilio Cruz, co-chairJohnny Arellano, and committee membersJose Perez, Carlos Arellano and JoseRodriguez, Bernice Diaz, Reubecca Rivera,Glenda Izaguirre and Gladys Medina.Hispanic Recognition Awards are given topeople who have worked for the betterment ofthe Hispanic population in Southeastern Mas-sachusetts, in ways that benefit not simplythose in the Hispanic community, but thebroader community of which they are an inte-gral part. America—and Southeastern Massa-chusetts—benefit enormously from the variouscultures which come together to form our na-tion, simultaneously unifying on important na-tional concerns, and contributing culturally, so-cially and economically through the preserva-tion of their various heritages within this uni-fied national framework. The Hispanic commu-nity is growing in numbers in SoutheasternMassachusetts, and is taking its place alongother ethnic communities that have contributedso much to our area. I am delighted to extendrecognition to the winners of this year’sawards. They are:Mr. Luis Bayanilla—For his outstandingwork and support to the Latino Community ofSoutheastern Massachusetts.Ms. Abigail Ramirez—For her outstandingwork and support to the Latino Community ofSoutheastern Massachusetts.Mr. Angel Urena—For his outstanding workand support to the Latino Community ofSoutheastern Massachusetts.Festival Herenicia Hispana, Inc.—For theirefforts in keeping the Latino Culture alive inSoutheastern Massachusetts.Ms. Aracelys Rodriguez—For her effortsand support to the Latino Community and herdedicated work as an education professional.Ms. Norma Collazo Porcha—For her effortsand support to the Latino Community and herdedicated work as an education professional.Mr. Adrian C. Pina—For his dedicated workas a role model and achievement as a CollegeStudent.Kids Against Drugs—For their efforts in pro-viding education to the New Bedford Commu-nity about drugs and their dedication to philan-thropic causes.Dennison Memorial—For their commitmentand support to the Latino Community and theCommunity at large of New Bedford, Massa-chusetts.Boys and Girls Club—For their commitmentand support of the Latino Community and thecommunity at large of New Bedford, Massa-chusetts.Mr. Raymond Patnaude—For his support tothe Latino Community of New Bedford, Mas-sachusetts.Dr. Alvaro Lopez—For his support to theLatino Community and his expertise in themedical field.Mr. Dennis Halls—For his support and com-mitment to the Latino Community.Rev. Hector Correa—For his years of serv-ice and commitment to the Latino Community.Ms. Bernice Diaz—For her support anddedication to the Latino Community of NewBedford.Mr. Speaker I believe that both the awardrecipients and the committee that has pulledthis event together deserve our thanks fortheir hard work on behalf of the best of Amer-ican ideals. And I have chosen to share thiswith my colleagues because I believe it issuch an excellent example of how a commu-nity can deal with both the challenge andpromise of diversity.